A Heart for Others,
Skills to Support
For effective rehabilitation service, the therapists should pay attention to the care of the physical functions as well as care of the mind. It is not possible to realize a bright future for patients without taking care of both the mind and the body.
That is why we, Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University, cultivate a mind that can stand by people to support the patients, while at the same time acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills, We are aiming for the university where our students acquire tender and warm heart and solid skills in rehabilitation science, and we want it to be known as such an educational institution.
The phrase "a heart for others" expresses the diverse thoughts of "from you to patients," "from teachers to students," "from students to staffs," and "from people in various positions to various others,” Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University asks our students to learn “a heart for others” in rehabilitation.
“Skills to support" includes medical skills for patients, skill s for teachers to teach students, and other skills that enable many people to support others, It is our hop e that all students will acquire the skills necessary to become professional leaders in rehabilitation.
We would like each of you to think about the meaning of the "," in the middle of the phrase whether it implies "and". “or.” When you take this tagline as a message from OKRU to our students, it can be read as "the heart that stays with you, and the skills that support you.